Our Services

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Medical Care

We do not practice medicine but can help you find the best medical care available and assist you in making an appointment. We work with excellent physicians and care providers. Our understanding of their specialties and available technologies  ensures that you receive the best possible care.

In Home Nursing Care

We offer cost-effective home health services with a well-trained team of nurses, home health providers, respiratory therapists, and other professionals. We can locate and procure home health equipment such as beds, oxygen, toilet facilities, etc. A care team can be arranged for within 12 to 24 hours.


We prepare you for health emergencies, advising family and household what to do in an emergency. We can also:
• Help with admission process
• Remain at your bedside at key times
• Assist with discharge planning
• Provide post-operative medication advice


We provide health and medical education on the management of acute events, chronic conditions, and wellness care.

Care Abroad

We help you determine if you can safely receive care locally or need to seek care elsewhere.

Advanced Medical Directives

We help with advance directives and end of life decisions. Click here to find out more…


Our excellent bilingual assistants can translate documents for use by clinicians on both sides of the border.

Mediating Communication

Often it is confusing for family members when one is injured or ill in Mexico. We are experienced at helping loved ones make appropriate and helpful decisions.


Understanding your medication is vital to your overall health. We help you recognize and avoid potential side effects and drug interactions while simplifying your medication schedule.